Archive for the tag 'Dr. Douglas Stockel'

Sep 03 2024

Chiropractor Alpharetta GA – Chiropractic Care for Hip Pain in Young Adults

Published by under Dr. Stockel

Hip conditions are usually associated with age, becoming increasingly common in people aged 50 and above. However, hip issues are becoming more common in younger people now. Watch this video now and find out how chiropractic is offering relief. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below.

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Aug 27 2024

Chiropractor Alpharetta GA – Research Supported Cold Plunge Benefits

Published by under Dr. Stockel

Is cold water plunge a fad or is there more to it? Watch this video now and learn why so many people are doing it and the best practices if you decide to join the fun. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below.

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Aug 20 2024

Chiropractor Alpharetta GA – Research Supports Bee Propolis Health Benefits

Published by under Dr. Stockel

Watch this video now and learn how the over 500 compounds in Bee Propolis may be a health bonanza for you and your family. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below.

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Aug 13 2024

Chiropractor Alpharetta GA – Potatoes Are Good For You

Published by under Dr. Stockel

For some reason, potatoes have a bum-rap as most people think they have too much starch and calories. Just the opposite is true. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below and watch this video to find out why potatoes are actually a heathy root vegetable that you need to eat more of.

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Aug 06 2024

Chiropractor Alpharetta GA – Chiropractic Care for Chronic Pain

Published by under Dr. Stockel

Learn why chiropractors are the best trained specialists when it comes to chronic pain by clicking the Red More Button in your email or the image below to watch this short video.

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Jul 30 2024

Chiropractor Alpharetta GA – Owning a Dog Improves Physical Activity in Older Adults

Published by under Dr. Stockel

As they say a dog is a man and woman’s best friend and here is the proof. Learn more by clicking the Red More Button in your email or the image below to watch this short video.

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Jul 23 2024

Chiropractor Alpharetta GA – Emotional Inflammation

Published by under Dr. Stockel

Inflammation is associated with just about every major health issue from pain to heart disease. What most people don’t know is your emotions can be a major contributor to inflammation. Learn more by clicking the Red More Button in your email or the image below to watch this short video.

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Jul 16 2024

Chiropractor Alpharetta GA – Time of Day Impacts Exercise Results

Published by under Dr. Stockel

Watch this video if you want to know the best time of day to exercise to get the best results. Just click the Red More Button in your email or the image below to watch this short video.

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Jul 09 2024

Chiropractor Alpharetta GA – All Movement Improves Your Mental Health

Published by under Dr. Stockel

With one in five adults living with mental illness, today’s video may be critical to watch. Just click the Red More Button in your email or the image below to watch this short video.

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Jul 02 2024

Chiropractor Alpharetta GA – Chiropractic Care for Muscle Function in Stroke Patients

Published by under Dr. Stockel

17 million people of all ages worldwide suffer from a stroke every year. What most people do not know is how effective chiropractic is to bring back function in stroke patients. Watch this video to learn what the most recent studies say. Just click the Red More Button in your email or the image below to watch this short video.

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